Shareholder Meeting

Annual General Meeting of PHAROL, SGPS S.A. took place, in March 22, 2024, were present or represented shareholders corresponding 20,85% of the Company's share capital and the following mater was discussed:



1: To resolve on the management report, balance sheet and accounts for the year 2023186.777.392​99,99%13.6000,01%​117.0310
2: To resolve on the consolidated management report, balance sheet and accounts for the year 2023183.777.282​98,39%3.013.7101,61%​117.0310
3:  To resolve on the proposal for application of profits186.775.56599,99%​24.2570,01%​108.2010
4: To resolve on a general appraisal of the Company's management and supervision186.725.19599,94%​117.1100,06%​65.7180
5: To resolve on the ratification of the approval of new member of the Board of Directors for the remaining of the three year period 2021-2023186.683.606​99,94%116.8440,06%​107.5730
6: To resolve on the Internal Policy for Selection of Members of the Company's Management and Supervisory Bodies186.734.19399,94%​117.162​0,06%56.668


7: To resolve on the acquisition and disposition of own shares97.012.359​99,88%113.672​0,12%89.781.9920
8: To resolve on the election of the members of the corporate bodies for the three year period 2024-2026186.817.708​99,99%​24.491​0,01%​65.824​0
9: To resolve on the election of the Statutory Auditor - effective and substitute - for the three year period 2024-2026186.828.61399,99%​​13.600​0,01%65.810​0

2024 mar 012024 mar 01Notice | GM 22/03/2024
2024 mar 012024 mar 01Proposal 1 | GM 22/03/2024
2024 mar 012024 mar 01Proposal 2 | GM 22/03/2024
2024 mar 012024 mar 01Proposal 3 | GM 22/03/2024
2024 mar 012024 mar 01Proposal 4 | GM 22/03/2024
2024 mar 012024 mar 01Proposal 5 | GM 22/03/2024
2024 mar 012024 mar 01Proposal 6 | GM 22/03/2024
2024 mar 012024 mar 01Proposal 7 | GM 22/03/2024
2024 mar 012024 mar 01Proposal 8 | GM 22/03/2024
2024 mar 012024 mar 01Proposal 9 | AG 22/03/2024
2024 apr 052024 apr 05Minute | GM 22/03/2024

2024 mar 222024 mar 22Article 21º - J of Securities Values Code
2024 mar 222024 mar 22Articles 289º - CSC

2024 mar 222024 mar 22Request of vote by eletronic means
2024 mar 222024 mar 22Request of vote by post means
2024 mar 222024 mar 22Proxy letter
2024 mar 222024 mar 22Declaration of financial intermediary
2024 mar 222024 mar 22Declaration of participation and voting


Mailing Address: Rua Gorgel do Amaral, nº 4, CV Esq. 1250-119 Lisboa

Telephone: +351 800 207 369 Fax: +351 212 697 949
